
Developing the skills to maximise robot potential

Developing the skills to maximise robot potential

Stäubli‘s Simon Jenkins looks at how comprehensive training, combined with tailored application support, can help mitigate the current skills shortages which threaten to slow the introduction of the technologies which are essential to achieve the productivity levels needed to support growth. Robots are commonplace in today’s manufacturing environment. They can be found in almost every […]

By July 25, 2024 Read More →
Delving beyond the purchase price

Delving beyond the purchase price

Manufacturers considering investment in automation would do well to delve beyond the purchase price, prioritise total cost of ownership (TCO) instead, argues Oliver Selby, head of sales at FANUC UK. When looking to invest in a high-value piece of automation equipment, a key question of any potential purchaser is: what is the payback period? In […]

By June 26, 2024 Read More →
Commitment is needed to change UK culture

Commitment is needed to change UK culture

At Smart Factory Expo (5-6 June 2024, NEC Birmingham), FANUC UK named ‘commitment’ as the number one driver to help inspire a change in culture towards robotics and automation among British manufacturers. FANUC’s Head of UK Sales Oliver Selby gave the keynote speech at the event’s Automation and Robotics Acceleration Symposium and said a change […]

By June 9, 2024 Read More →
Shaping the future of food manufacturing

Shaping the future of food manufacturing

Paul Carter, Sales Manager at FANUC UK, looks are how robots are set to shape the future of food manufacturing. For decades, robots have been helping to increase production efficiency, improve quality and consistency, and alleviate labour shortages in industries such as automotive, machinery, and plastics. Other sectors however, including food and beverage, have been […]

By May 21, 2024 Read More →
Can UK manufacturing raise robotics uptake?

Can UK manufacturing raise robotics uptake?

Bob Struijk, vice president of FANUC Europe, examines the potential reasons behind the UK’s reluctance to automate – and asks what we can learn from our continental cousins. Despite punching well above our weight as a manufacturing powerhouse, the UK is in danger of slipping down the international rankings unless we increase our levels of […]

By April 15, 2024 Read More →
Raising the bar for tomorrow’s standards

Raising the bar for tomorrow’s standards

Whether it is fluctuating demand, more customised products or smaller batches, manufacturers today need to respond more quickly and flexibly to changing markets. Consumer habits are changing, and thus so are the requirements of the process manufacturing industries. Here, Bradley McEwan, business development manager at Beckhoff UK, discusses how software and modular hardware enables easy […]

By April 11, 2024 Read More →
The good, the bad and the future of generative AI

The good, the bad and the future of generative AI

In the manufacturing industry, generative AI is being introduced at every step, from design to maintenance of assets. Here Stephen Hayes, managing director of Beckhoff UK, explores the benefits and risks of introducing generative AI into your manufacturing process. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global market for generative AI in manufacturing is expected […]

By April 3, 2024 Read More →
What the key automation trends in 2024?

What the key automation trends in 2024?

Recent stats show that 37 per cent of time spent on industrial operations could be automated. Reflecting on recent advancements, Stephen Hayes, managing director of Beckhoff UK, shares insights into how automation trends have begun to shape 2024. Today, businesses leverage automated processes to navigate complex challenges, ensuring accuracy, speed and adaptability in the face […]

By March 26, 2024 Read More →
The evolution of robot system integrators

The evolution of robot system integrators

Robot manufacturer FANUC works with talented SIs across sectors as diverse as food and beverage, aerospace, medical, welding, plastics and high-value manufacturing. Some of these partnerships have endured for well over a decade, during which time the skills required to be a successful integrator have evolved. System integrators (SIs) serve as a valuable link between […]

By January 25, 2024 Read More →
Robots to shape the future of food manufacturing

Robots to shape the future of food manufacturing

The adoption of robotics is set to change the face of food manufacturing for the better, both for primary and secondary processing and packaging tasks, as Paul Carter, robotics sales manager at FANUC UK, explains. Many food producers still heavily reliant on manual labour and semi-automated equipment. Figures from the IFR 2022 World Robotics Industrial […]

By January 10, 2024 Read More →