- Introducing the igus Module Connect solution
MachineBuilding.Live 2024 at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham, included a world-class Workshop Programme. Here, Tom Slater, readychain expert at igus UK highlights the company’s Module Connect solution – a modular ...
- Increased efficiency for materials handling tasks
There are so many applications within the material handling industry that need reliable, effective, and durable products, so it is hardly surprising that there are so many Igus products used ...
- Automate your application in four steps with RBTX
Automation doesn’t need to be complicated. In this video, Igus shows us how simple it can be with the RBTX platform.
With the low-cost automation platform RBTX.com, it is a simple ...
- Igus scout delivers a new level of customer service
Excellent customer service is vitally important for every company, and at Igus this is no different. Now the company has introduced its newest customer service experience, Igus scout.
This remote service ...
- Cranfield University team up with the RBTX UK
In this video you can see how Cranfield University and the Igus RBTX team came together, with a snapshot into the recent event that took place.
With a variety of low-cost ...
- Bosch turns to Igus for robotic cable protection
Using triflex energy chains from Igus, Bosch protects cables from damage on its robots while still maintaining the freedom of movement.
When you think of industrial robots do you think of ...
- Unleash your engineering power through play
The digital era is well and truly upon us and this year Igus introduces ‘enjoyneering’ as a term to encourage engineers to use more digital methods to help design and ...
- Igus e-chains at work in automotive applications
With the automotive industry being such a high cost per hour, it is vital that all machinery runs as smoothly as possible and with minimal maintenance. Energy chains from Igus ...
- The simplicity of the Rebel cobot
Automation doesn’t need to be complicated and doesn’t always have to be industrial. In this video, the modular ReBeL cobot arm from Igus shows the variation of movement possible, the ...
- Four steps to building your robot with RBTX
Building a robot from design to manufacture doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be done in four easy steps with the RBTX platform.
The video shows how easy ...
- Unbox the new Rebel robot with Igus
The Igus ReBel robot arm could not be easier to use. Designed specifically for it to be suitable for anyone to program, the user friendly Igus robot control is easy ...
- Easy solution for Readychains and readycables
With manufacturing and assembly facilities worldwide, Igus reports that customers are increasingly turning to it for complete systems for their cables and connector requirements.
In this video, we gain an insight ...
- Igus helps prevent loopage on your cobot
A new video from Igus shows the Universal Robots cobot in use in combination with the triflex fibre rod system.
The fibre rod system ensures your services remain controlled and prevent ...
- Robotics made simple with Igus Apiro kit
Robotics doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, in this video, you can see how easy it can be using the Igus Apiro robotic kit.
This extremely modular system can create ...
- Smart plastics prevent downtime on your robot
Breakdowns can be catastrophic in regard to time and money, especially on production lines where industrial robots are used. To ensure your robot stays in top working order, Igus now ...
- Contactless monitoring for predictive maintenance
Igus is always striving to improve what moves and with its Smart plastic range. Now it is going one step further, improving what moves before it breaks, with predictive maintenance ...
- 7th axis robot in a welding application
An Igus 7th axis on a collaborative robot working alongside staff at German screening machine manufacturer Rhewum is helping to increase the workspace from 1300 to 5500mm.
Built around the drylin ...
- Pick and place applications with low-cost robotics
Robotic pick and place applications are becoming increasingly popular within companies wanting to automate processes. These could be anything from simple movements to complex actions, but fundamentally they all need ...
- Battery handling with Igus low-cost automation
If you’re looking for precise handling, with no lubrication, no mess and no fuss, then Igus has the solution in the form of its low-cost automation gantry systems. You can ...
- Plastic versus metal clamps for cobots
In this video you can see the comparison between the assembly time of an Igus plastic cobot clamp and the metal version. There simply is no comparison when it comes ...
- Robotic energy chain with integrated retraction system
Space constraints on robots can be a problem; however, with the new integrated retraction triflex energy chain from Igus, this is now one less issue to contend with. The patented ...
- Igus linear robot is key on face mask production line
The latest in the Igus video of the week series shows how a range of the company’s products are utilised in the production of disposable face masks. Unfortunately, facemasks have ...
- Tidying up cables with triflex on a Universal Robot
In its latest video, Igus shows us how easy it is to add the triflex energy chain to a Universal Robot. The triflex energy chain complements the Universal Robot’s movements, ...
- Testing touchscreens with low-cost robotics technology
Delta robots are used in a wide range of applications, from pick and place, fitting components at high speed and even testing other products. In this latest video you can ...
- Robolink DP for all flexible automated applications
The robolink DP is a new robot arm developed by Igus to provide engineers with access into automated solutions using low cost robotics. The robolink DP arm is not only ...
- Guiding cables for high-speed SCARA applications
Following the development by Igus of the e-rib to safely guide cables inside corrugated hoses, now the company has developed a system of reinforcements at both ends as well as ...
- The triflex swivel arm offers perfect robot solution
For applications where you need to connect a supply direct to axis 2, the new triflex swivel bracket is the ideal solution. In this latest Igus video of the week ...
- Igus demonstrates Robolink in splash water applications
The robolink DP robot arm from Igus can now be used in splash water applications with a protection class of IP44. You can see it in action in Igus’ latest ...
- How Igus can help you pour that perfect pint
At a time when all the pubs are shut, pouring that perfect pint can prove impossible. igus has solved this problem by providing an easy to use tool for programming ...
- How triflex R can help robotic arms become collaborative
When humans and robots work close together, safety is of the utmost importance. For this reason, users of robots and cobots already rely on the three-dimensional and round triflex R ...
- How robolink can help you automate simple tasks cost-effectively
The Igus robolink range of articulated robotic arms is prominent in the company’s low-cost automation business. The modular system enables our customers to automate simple tasks and processes. These include ...
- How fast does the drylin delta robot operate?
Based on three maintenance-free drylin ZLW toothed belt axes, the Igus drylin delta robot is particularly suitable for simple assembly tasks, pick and place tasks, as well as applications in ...
- Igus makes DC motion control easy
In this video, we see how easy it is to set up the dryve D3 motor controller for the drylin E linear robot and the variety of payloads it can ...
- How to set up a motor controller for an Igus linear robot
In this video, Rene Erdmann, head of the drylin E electric drive technology business unit at Igus, shows how easy it is to set up the dryve motor controller for ...
- Igus highlights robolink ReBel joints for mobile applications
The new robolink ReBeL joints from Igus can be used for robotic tasks in the workplace and in the private sector. They are particularly suitable for mobile applications in which ...
- Low cost robotics will revolutionise production, says Igus
Until recently, due to the high costs involved, robots were used mainly by large, profitable industries producing high-value commodities. Today, a revolution is changing the way we think about production: ...
- Igus technologies deliver low-cost robotics
The term ‘low-cost robotics’ refers to the rapid growth of robotic production enabled by simple and affordable automation components. Depending on the scope of the application, entire processes can be ...
- How to assemble the Igus triflex TRLF energy chain
Developed specifically for sophisticated 6-axis robotic application in harsh industrial environments, the triflex TRLF multi-axis energy chain can be assembled by hand. In this video, we demonstrate just how easy ...
- Igus enables cost-effective 270 degree robotic swivel arm
Igus has produced a new video about the triflex swivel arm. For robot arm rotations of up to 270° on a single axis, the triflex cable management system for 3D ...
- Igus webinar discusses low cost robotic automation
Automation is becoming ever more relevant for increased productivity, lean operation and reliability in a wide and varied range of applications. In this webinar, Robert Dumayne, dry-tech director at Igus, ...
- Create animatronics with Igus robolink D
This T-Rex looks as if it is smiling, just about to say, “Boo!” However, if we were to strip away the skeletal pieces, underneath are modular parts from motion plastics ...
- Igus robot turns a book into a real page turner
If you have a suction pad, digital scanner and a robolink arm, you too can put the printed word on to the silver screen. This week’s video is an elaborate ...
- Build low-cost robotics with Igus robolink (3)
This video is the third in a four-part series demonstrating how quick and easy it is to build your own versatile robotic systems using modular, low-cost and easy-to-assemble robolink kits ...
- Build low-cost robotics with Igus robolink (2)
This video is the second in a four-part series demonstrating how quick and easy it is to build your own versatile robotic systems using modular, low-cost and easy-to-assemble robolink kits ...
- Build low-cost robotics using Igus robolink (1)
This video is the first in a four-part series demonstrating how quick and easy it is to build your own robotic systems using modular, low-cost and easy-to-assemble robolink kits from ...
- Igus drylin ZLW for linear robotic applications
The drylin ZLW linear robot system is explained in more detail in this video by motion plastics specialist, Igus. This modular drive system enables engineers to design and configure their ...
- Igus unveils robolink DQ and SQ direct drive arms
There is a buzz around robolink, the low-cost and easy-to-assemble modular robotics system from Igus. This week, Igus has unveiled direct drive arms that feature decoupled motors for optimised mass ...
- Igus develops open humanoid robot platform
Learn more about the Igus humanoid open platform robot, developed in conjunction with the University of Bonn, and the motor-driven, slewing rings that drive it.
The Igus humanoid open platform robot ...
- Igus triflex RS dresspack for multi-axis industrial robots
The triflex R the energy chain solution from Igus is designed to deal with the three-dimensional movement needed by industrial robots, and the company has developed this further for robots ...
- Igus highlights simple pick-and-place automation
Automating tasks greatly assists manufacturing effectiveness, enabling lower costs, shorter production times and faster response with local production. The drylin E modular gantry system from Igus provides a simple, affordable ...
- Igus lets you build your own robot for under £5k
Igus now has a complete bill of materials for its Robolink D robot, which means users can define exactly the number of axes they want and then assemble the robot ...
- Igus demonstrates how to set up Triflex RSP system
According to Igus, it is simple to set up the Triflex RSP (retraction system pneumatic) on a six-axis robot. Part of the Triflex series, the Triflex RSP system is suitable ...
- Faster installation of robot energy chains
With a simple zip fastening concept and no need for specialist tools, the zip feature on Igus zipper e-chain and zipper e-tube enables significantly faster installation of energy chains in ...
- Igus robotic highlights at the Hannover fair
If you’re looking for collaborative robots at a price that’s affordable, Igus’ Robolink D robot comes in at just €1500. Where the first generation relied on wires, the new D ...
- Auxiliary robot arm for wheelchair users
Articulated joints with grippers are increasingly being used to aid people with disabilities. The latest video from Igus shows how robolink technology, which integrates its multi-axis joints and drive unit, ...
- Direct drive robotic arms support lean automation
Expanding its range of cost-effective modular robolink systems, Igus introduces the robolink D direct drive articulated arm – a tougher, more durable solution compared with remote drive versions – supporting ...
- Multiple-axis joints suit a host of robotic applications
With moving mass reduced to a minimum, the robolink range of articulated modules have been carefully designed by polymer specialist igus to provide robot developers and laboratories with a compact ...
- Lightweight and reliable robot cable management
As robot systems are becoming more and more advanced, plastic expert, igus is constantly developing innovative plastic components to reduce costs and increase service life. Amongst the company’s robotic solutions ...
- Universal module for all motions of a robot
Now compatible with more than 100 robot models and brands, the igus Triflex RS system is even more versatile and user-friendly. The internal retraction force prevents loops forming in the ...