Schunk hosts 10th annual robotics symposium
Schunk’s Expert Days on Service Robotics have reached a major milestone, celebrating their tenth anniversary. The banner headline for this year’s event is “Smart Future with Cobots and Co-acts,” and will examine technological developments, challenges and opportunities for service robotics. The event runs from 28 February to 1 March, 2018.
The topic spectrum will range from Cobot usage in logistics and distribution, to complex control and monitoring technology for complicated robot systems, to value creation with the help of data-supported methods, such as machine learning, visual perception or speech recognition.
Representatives will include Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin, director at the Institut für Regelungstechnik [Institute for Control Technology] at Leibniz University Hanover, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin, director at the Institute for Control Systems at Leibniz University in Hanover, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Kröger from the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology] and Melonee Wise, CEO at Fetch Robotics from San Jose/USA. The expert’s meeting will take place at Schunk’s headquarters in Lauffen/Neckar, Germany.
Visit the Schunk website for more information