Real-time imaging for 3D robot vision
The Scorpion 3D Stinger Camera is designed to be used in cutting-edge 3D Stereo Vision applications with or without structured light. It is compatible with the latest 3D version of Scorpion Vision Software and locates moving objects in 3D in real-time.
The typical system contains two cameras with lenses, power and easy mounting. The standard unit is ready for GigE vision with an internal switch, a termination panel and an internal DC-DC conversion. The unit is fed with 24 volts. Internally 5V and 12V are available to power cameras, laser and other internal and external components.
The unit is designed to be used in 3D Robot Vision, 3D Laser Triangulation, 3D Gauging, 3D Assembly Verification and other advanced Machine Vision Solutions. The components are selected with the highest quality. The unit’s design will save man-hours when creating and deploying 3D Machine Vision Solutions. The unit, with a nominal weight of 3.5 kg, can be mounted on a robot.
The 3D Camera is the perfect companion for Scorpion Stinger for Robot Vision. Scorpion Vision Software can control multiple 3D cameras from a single Scorpion Compact PC. Combining multiple 3D cameras can be used to provide multiple viewing angles and to extend 3D FOV without losing resolution. The state-of-art multi-core support ensures the fastest and most robust 3D Stereo Vision solutions. The unique one-push 3D calibration technology provided by Scorpion secures optimal performance and easy maintenance. The 3D – z resolution is by rule-of-thumb equal to the pixel resolution in 2D. This means that a cube of 1 m x 1 m x 0.5 mm can be resolved by 1 mm with a 1.3 MPixel 3D Camera.
Visit the Scorpion Vision website for more information.
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