- Box picking with Scorpion 3D Stinger camera
The latest robot application for the Scorpion 3D Stinger camera is highlighted in this video, showing 3D box picking and identification, integrating the Scorpion 3D Stinger camera with an ABB ...
- 3D robot vision from Scorpion Vision at PPMA Show
At the PPMA Show 2014, Scorpion Vision – a leader in 3D robot vision guidance – will highlight its Scorpion 3D Stinger technology that is used for real-time 3D robot vision ...
- Real-time imaging for 3D robot vision
The Scorpion 3D Stinger Camera is designed to be used in cutting-edge 3D Stereo Vision applications with or without structured light. It is compatible with the latest 3D version of Scorpion Vision ...
- Technology transfer potential from cake icing robot
Combining 3D vision technology with the latest in SCARA robots has solved a tricky cake decorating problem. But it also opens up the potential to bring a new level of ...